I used to run stock metal pedals that came with my first bike, similar to the origin8 colored track pedals. I put MKS metal toe clips with Christophe straps. I liked how the clips kept my foot in the right position on my pedal keeping it from moving too far forward. They felt really secure and are way easy to adjust;you can put them tight when you're mashing away, or loose when you're tricking out. They look really classic too.
I'm now running some Odyssey plastic bmx pedals with Brad's Bear Straps. These are better to trick with for sure. Bigger platform pedal allows your foot to have more contact with them. The straps are very durable and comfortable. You can adjust them to however you want but it takes a little time to do it. They are just a little harder than toe clips to get into, at least for me they are.
As for power or speed, I don't really notice a difference.
Both are great choices, some are better than others to what you are trying to do with you're bike.